By applying for and using the discount card you agree to the following.
Discount cards must only be used by the person who purchased the card or the person whome the card was purchased for. The card holder may (subject to individual deals) bring guests when using their card (see individual offers for details).
Booking is required when using any offer as offer is subject to availability. You must present a valid discount card to redeem the discount.
While we attempt to give one months notice before withdrawing an offer sometimes due to circumstances out of our control we are unable to give notice; therefore we reserve the right to withdraw any offer at any time without notice. To avoid attending a venue where the card is no longer accepted booking is required.
The card
The card remains the property of Everything Bristol and must be surrendered when requested by an Everything Bristol employee or by a person acting on Everything Bristols behalf.
Out of date cards must be destroyed or disposed of by the card holder; they will not be accepted by venues and will be retained by the staff.
If you lose your card please let us know by using the contact form, there is a £10 admin charge to replace a card and to help prevent fraud we will only issue one replacement.
Site maintance
While site downtime is very rare we do not gaurantee 100% uptime and apoligise in advance for any times where the site may be offline. Please check our twitter feed for any updates should the site become offline.